Tag Archives | recess

Google management knows that their employees need free time and exercise.

What Google Management Understands that Many Schools Don’t

Michael yfdrediyab Hynes is the superintendent of the Patchogue-Medford School District on Long Island. As he confesses in this short and inspiring video, he loved school as a kid but gradually grew to hate it, and it’s only thanks to his love of tennis that he didn’t drop out. In fact, he hated school so […]

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Halt there, child! Is your game

How Over-involved Can Adults Get at Recess?

Justin zsryfktere Murphy at The Democrat and Chronicle in Rochester, NY reports that: Children at Pittsford’s Jefferson Road Elementary School who come up with a fun new game for the playground will need to do a few things before recruiting their classmates to play along. First, they should write out the name of the game, the rules of […]

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School Superintendent Michael Hynes believes more recess = kids more ready to learn, inside and outside the classroom.

Meet Superintendent / Thought Leader / Former Terrible Student Michael Hynes

It’s time for us all to become familiar with the work of Michael akhyzafbdn Hynes,  superintendent of  the Patchogue-Medford School District on Long Island and passionate promoter of PEAS: the physical, emotional, academic and social growth of kids, not just their test scores. Hynes put his district where his mouth is, doubling recess. Kids at […]

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I'll race you to the drinking fountain!

19 Is the New 60, When It Comes to Activity Levels

A recent Johns ysrnfnnehz Hopkins study found that today’s kids are so inactive that by the time they reach 19 they have the activity level of 60-year-olds. I have a piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “19 is the New 60,” looking at childhood sluggishness and making one blindingly simple suggestion. But first off: Why are kids […]

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We Are Turning Our Children into Middle-Aged Slugs

Per usual, Angela Hanscom, author of “Balanced szzbzznree and Barefoot”and founder of the outdoor program TinderNook, has penned another painfully insightful piece in the Washington Post about the way we keep kids safe. Too safe. So safe that we’re hurting them. This time, she interviewed some kids about what recess is like and got these […]

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Send kids outside when very young! And if you're worried about them getting lost, just give them some bread crumbs.

How Can We Expect Kids to Suddenly Love the Outdoors?

. Susan Solomon is an architectural ykndtayars historian who studies the science of play, the architecture of playgrounds (among other things), and what it takes to get kids doing their thing outside. The first step, of course, is just that: Getting them out the door. In this post on her Science of Play blog, she offers a […]

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What's missing? (Hooray!)

Schools Try 4 Recesses a Day — Kids THRIVE

. Reading rszzkshntt this Today.com piece about four Texas schools that upped the number of recesses for their kids — with fantastic results — made my stomach clench. I thought back to my sons’ grammar school, which had only 20 minutes a day of recess, and took even that away when the kids were “acting […]

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