Tag Archives | sex offender

Her husband is a dot on the map parents' dread.

My Husband Committed a Sex Offense

. Dots on a sex offender map terrify many parents. “Look! There’s one of them in the neighborhood!” Here is a letter from the wife of one of “them.” I would not be afraid for my family to live near him. Dear naydnyzdzf Free Range Kids: I’m married to a registered sex offender. I’ve told […]

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I wouldn't do that if I were you! (But I'm not. And you're going to do it anyway, so I will ask the gov't not to act as if you are a child victim or a child pornographer.)

Another Day, Another Sexting “Scandal”

. The latest aktstysbrh sexting scandal comes to us from Peters (ha ha!) Middle School outside of Pittsburgh, where police are examining kids’ cell phones for nude photos. Why. Like really: Why? It sounds like a giant swath of middle school kids and teens have naked pictures of themselves and others on their phones. Investigating these […]

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Hmm. Who else in history branded people's passports? (Hint: They used a "J.")

Pres. Obama: Resist Signing the International Megan’s Law

. Who here is in favor of sex trafficking? Didn’t think so. Me neither. You can be against that crime without using it for political grandstanding and cruel policies. But not, apparently, if you are in the U.S. Congress. In a blistering diasbefzby editorial, the L.A. Times writes: After rousing themselves from the 30-plus-year bad trip […]

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Hi! I'm dead, I bummed everyone out during the Super Bowl, and I'm not even the worst Free-Range story of last year!

The 10 Worst Free-Range Kids Stories of 2015 (and the 5 best!)

. A zrnsnndbay mash-up of the most insane events proceeding from the desire to keep our precious kids safe…no matter how moronically: 1 – Mom Who Overslept While Her Son Walked to School Handcuffed, Threatened with 10 Years’ Sentence In November, Connecticut mom Maria Hasankolli overslept while her son, age 8, got himself ready for […]

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Doc, since you are an adult male, we can longer be friends. (Back to the Future, 1985. Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Shown from left: Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown, Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly)

Back to the Future: Was Doc “Grooming” Marty?

. How hesynasnrt can you tell when a culture is changing? When something that was once normal suddenly seems wrong. This can be good — grown African-American men no longer called “boy,” grown women at the office no longer automatically called “girl” — or it can be ominous. The story below is silly, but ominous. […]

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"Hello, officer? I'd like to report some normal human behavior."

“PLAYING DOCTOR” UPDATE: Why I Love Dear Prudence (Emily Yoffe)

. UPDATE! aheyrbeaaa As phenomenal as the advice “Prudence” gives to the neighbor who might report two teens having sex is the final story on the Dear Prudence page, which I originally missed. Here it is. Prudence — Emily Yoffe — wrote it after advising a grown reader that playing doctor as a kid is […]

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Why don't we round up all the Jack O Lanterns, too? They molest about as many kids as Registered Sex Offenders on Halloween.

Sex Offenders on Halloween: The Really Scary Part

. From poison candy to prowling predators, we keep confusing Halloween’s “spookiness” with actual dangers to our kids. Having scared ourselves to death, we then insist on making the the day ever more supervised. How far overboard can we go? Here’s a wonderful piece by Anat Rubin at The Marshall Project, titled, “This badddahnta is […]

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Do you get the creepy feeling we're being...followed?

Track or Treat! This Halloween, Treat Your Kid Like a Felon!

. Halloween szrdehshit is the ultimate Free-Range holiday — the one day of the year kids are  encouraged to go out in the world, on their own, and make things happen. They: *Dress up like adults (or at least not like the kids they are) *Take to the streets *Interact with strangers. Repeatedly! *Work and […]

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