. If you can stand it, please take a look at nzrdkrsesn this article from the Sydney Morning Herald about the death of a 5-year-old boy who tripped on his pre-school’s steps. Is it just me or is the way it’s presented…sickening? The story features photo after photo of the sweet-looking child: five of them, one […]
Tag Archives | tragedy
Of Alligators, Gorillas, Tragedy and Blame
. There eintsyifaf has been an outpouring of online sympathy for the parents of the boy who was killed by an alligator at a Disney resort in Orlando, which just goes to show that sometimes the internet has a heart, and sometimes it calls for blood. . The question is why.  . In contrast with the half […]
UPDATE: PARENTS OF GORILLA BOY WILL NOT BE PROSECUTED. Last Zoo Thought: Why Do We Assume There’s ALWAYS Someone to Blame in a Tragedy?
. UPDATE: The athhisbier parents of the boy who wormed his way into the gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo will not be prosecuted. That is fantastic news for anyone who has ever lost track of a beloved child for a few seconds, minutes or hours — in other words, every parent on earth. (Including […]
The New York Times to America: Don’t Forget to Panic!
. In the wake of the San Bernardino shootings, the New York Times ran an article titled, “Fear in the Air, Americans Look Over Their Shoulders.” Really? Have we truly become convinced, as a country, that we are in CONSTANT danger? The writer culled his quotes from the NY Times’ query to the public: “How […]
“If You Love your Kids, Don’t Bring Them Into Crowds”
Readers — This note came in response to the post zknneasazt below this one, which was about how we often leap from tragedy to blame, in order to give ourselves a sense of control. That leap is pretty basic superstition: “If I just do/don’t do X, my kids will be safe.” It’s like wearing a […]
One Truth About Tragedy
Readers, surely, not every horrifying event begs a Free-Range analysis, but I did want to say one thing about the Boston ahznbnshds Marathon bombings. Beyond simply expressing my disgust and sadness, I’d note that, like so many tragedies, this one was absolutely unpredictable. No one attending did anything remotely ill-advised or imprudent, yet some found […]
Warning! 50-ish Woman Seen Offering Ride to Kids!
Dateline: Montreal — and talk about scary: A middle-aged woman was seen offering a 13-year-old girl a lift. But wait! It gets worse. Possibly hznsbbazda the SAME woman also recently offered a ride to a 10-year-old.  Can you believe it? How brazen! As if she’s just some nice lady and it’s cold outside!  She didn’t drag […]
School District to Spend $2.4 MILLION on Guards? A Mom Protests
Hi fbbfstibak Folks — How I appreciate this Wake County, NC, mom trying to fight the outrageously expensive security theater her school district is considering. As this WRAL  article explains:  The Wake County Board of Education is expected to vote Tuesday on a proposal to put one unarmed security guard at each elementary school in the district. If […]
Not All Tragedies are Preventable
Hi Readers! While we’re on the topic of crib recalls, as well as when parenting intervention is called for and all that, I just had to link to this efynzafskh phenomenal essay from The Economist: “Not All Tragedies are Preventable.” As it says in the opening paragraph: LEGISLATION that bears the name of a victim […]
A Boy, A Dad, A Tragedy and A Big Question
Readers — I just read aayrkkiikb this story and am sick to my heart. A dad brought his 5 year old son to the park then crossed the street to talk to some friends. The boy ran after him. He got struck by a car and died. Now the father is in jail and the […]