Archive | Miscellaneous

Helicopter Not!

Pope Francis to Parents: Thou Shalt Free-Range

. Pope Francis’ “Statement taktyddksd on the Family,” released April 8, runs 200+ pages. I cannot claim to have read them all. But  here’s the part I’d call the Free-Range Passage (page 196-7): Parents need to be involved and “consider what they want their children to be exposed to,” wrote the Pope. “Vigilance is always […]

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Remember! Call your local police any time a man talks to children.

Man Asks Girls of Girl Scout Age, in Girl Scout Cookie Selling Season, If They Are Selling Girl Scout Cookies. Police Are Alerted.

. Readers, I get about five stories a day that just flabbergast me. Here’s eaednfndyt one. I’m not the only one slackjawed at the insanity of the concern afforded this “incident,” am I? I mean, just look at the headline! Potentially Suspicious Man Asks Girls about Buying Girl Scout Cookies Is “potentially suspicious” even English? […]

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This is your body on nature.

Prescription-Strength Nature: Is It Right for You?

. Saw this “ad” at the US bristksdis Play Coalition Conference where I was speaking last week. I couldn’t wait to hear Justin Bogardus‘ session, “Does Nature Have a Marketing Problem?” Maybe you’ve already seen his hilarious answer: . . And here’s the next one. Now go outside! L.

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