Tag Archives | foster care

Fearing a knock from Child Protective Services.

I Live In Fear of My Kids Being Sent to Foster Care…Again

This powerful piece is reprinted by permission of Rise, fkhyasdnkb an extraordinary magazine written by and about those whose kids have been in the foster care/Child Protective Services system. We have heard so many stories here of parents investigated for letting their kids play outside or wait a few minutes in the car. Suddenly, they […]

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Common Sense in a “Kiddie Porn” Case

Readers rrdbbstkhz — How I love the ruling this judge made. So unhysterical. So human — note the passage I put in boldface. So why wasn’t the prosecutor as wise? U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously said that while he couldn’t define pornography, he knew it when he saw it. Brooklyn Family Court Judge […]

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This is your brain on imperfect parenting.

Government Should Not Step In to Make Us “Perfect” Parents

Readers teesddhsdb — I am honored to present this brilliant piece by Jan Macvarish, a research fellow at the University of Kent and co-author of the book Parenting Culture Studies, which asks how come the way we feed, talk to, and play with our kids has become the stuff of public debate and government policy? […]

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