Archive | 2017

slide kid use this

When Helping Your Kid on the Slide Is the OPPOSITE of Helpful

A mom, a toddler, a slide. A mom named Kara ebbzekiabt wrote this on the CityMoms blog about a day she was spending with her 18-month-old at the park: This was not the first day we had gone down the slide together, either. I had done it before at other parks and probably several times at […]

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How dare you make any decision about our children, ever???

A Peek Into a Free-Range Dad / Helicopter Mom’s Divorce

This fbshkrykhb cascade of emails between a Free-Range dad and his more helicopter ex-wife is difficult to read. But over the years, many readers have written to me about the same kind of issue, so perhaps there’s some comfort in realizing this is not uncommon. I have changed the names.   . Dear Free-Range Kids:  I […]

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Traveling with kids =  parenting on parade.

A Mom Traveling With Kids — And the Older Lady Who Put Her 2 Cents In

A note for anyone traveling with kids or around any kids who are traveling! Dear hybzzfhkzz Free-Range Kids: Had the usual shenanigans travelling with the kids yesterday. After 45 minutes waiting for our luggage in a hot, busy baggage hall the kids were bouncing off the walls. I was desperately trying to keep them entertained […]

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Hey -- where did all the kids go?

The Lonely Refrigerator

Just a thought about a cultural artifact: Dear bsyahsfheh Free-Range Kids: As I walked my dog this evening, I saw that my neighbors had placed an old refrigerator on their lawn with a “free” sign attached to it.  At first I thought, “Those doors need to be removed!”  or “Those doors need to be chained […]

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