Archive | 2022

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College President Tells Parents: Your Kids Really Can Handle Doing Laundry!

Forgive the long quote coming up, but it is instructive. (And crazy!) The President of Hamilton College, David Wippman, and his colleague, Cornell American Studies Prof. Glenn C. Altschuler, have somehow been peeking in on the discussions parents are having online about their young adults now matriculated at university. These Facebook group discussions may or […]

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indep challenge mower

Your Kids Doing Something New, On Their Own, Can Win $500!

The Third Annual Let Grow Independence Challenge is on! Let Grow is asking for photos and/or super short videos of your kids doing something new, on their own. First Prize winner gets a $300 gift card. Two runner-ups get $100 each. Last year’s entrants rappelled down trees, made family meals, rode bikes, mowed lawns, sold […]

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af am boy on errand smaller

Part 2: When Is a Kid Ready to Run Errands?

We have several psychologists working on a white paper addressing this very issue right now: What age are kids DEVELOPMENTALLY ready to, say, walk to the store, or to school, or to the neighbor down the block to borrow a rake? Brain, body and consciousness-wise, kids are ready to understand rules and act responsibly by […]

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antoinette screen grab

The Perfect End of Year School Project (Free, Even!)

Teachers! Principals! Counselors! Headmasters! If BEFORE the pandemic kids were passive, anxious and depressed, now they’re passive, anxious and depressed with a passive, anxious, depressed cherry on top.To bring kids back to life, some educators went straight to the problem: Kids had lost their excitement, curiosity and initiative? They would re-ignite it with THE LET […]

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