Archive | Eek! A Male! (and Stranger Danger)

Remember! Call your local police any time a man talks to children.

Man Asks Girls of Girl Scout Age, in Girl Scout Cookie Selling Season, If They Are Selling Girl Scout Cookies. Police Are Alerted.

. Readers, I get about five stories a day that just flabbergast me. Here’s eaednfndyt one. I’m not the only one slackjawed at the insanity of the concern afforded this “incident,” am I? I mean, just look at the headline! Potentially Suspicious Man Asks Girls about Buying Girl Scout Cookies Is “potentially suspicious” even English? […]

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Oh no! A man driving a car! You know what THAT means!

“Child Luring” Suspect Was Actually…

. Years ago I went to a friend’s African-American church. The preacher told a story about the time he was running to catch the bus on Manhattan’s Central Park West — a beautiful avenue boasting our iconic park on one side, and million dollar condos on the other. As he sprinted up the street, a […]

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Doc, since you are an adult male, we can longer be friends. (Back to the Future, 1985. Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Shown from left: Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown, Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly)

Back to the Future: Was Doc “Grooming” Marty?

. How hesynasnrt can you tell when a culture is changing? When something that was once normal suddenly seems wrong. This can be good — grown African-American men no longer called “boy,” grown women at the office no longer automatically called “girl” — or it can be ominous. The story below is silly, but ominous. […]

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