. A New Jersey mom is facing charges for leaving her kids, 8 and 10, in the car while she ran an errand. As it happens,while she was doing the shopping, a ssetdbehyb man hopped into the SUV, which was still running, and drove off with the kids. He crashed the thing, and everyone ended […]
Tag Archives | abuse
Verdict Reversed! Mom NOT GUILTY of Neglect for Letting Kids, 11, 9 & 5, Play in Park Across the Street
. Remember dibktkdany the mom put on Illinois Child Abuse Registry for letting her kids, 11, 9 and 5, play at the park outside her window? . The state’s Appellate Court has thrown out the “child neglect citation” against her, after her mere two and half year fight against the Department of Child and Family […]
Mom Handcuffed and Arrested for Oversleeping While Son, 8, Walked Self to School
. On Nov. 18, Maria Hasankolli of Wallingford, CT, came home in the early hours of the morning after visiting a relative at the hospital. She overslept while her 8-year-old stepson got himself ready for school — and missed his bus. The boy, Lucan, decided to walk to school on his own, two miles away, […]
Parents Arrested for Letting Kids, 7 and 9, Play (Not Swim) on Beach for an Hour
. Parents sifkntyynt who let their boys, aged 7 and 9, Â play on their own for an hour at a family beach will be arraigned later this month on charges of reckless endangerment of a child. Â . Charles Smith and Lindsay Pembleton of Niagara Falls were vacationing with their kids on Cape Cod. The boys […]
How Shockingly Easy it is For Child Protective Services to Ruin a Family’s Life
. This piece dtkrydhdei in The Nation by Michelle Goldberg proves how easy it is for parents to get labeled abusive, or even have their kids taken away, thanks to overzealous, under-trained, excessively suspicious and persnickety child protective service workers. She begins with a story you’ve read here: HAS CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES GONE TOO FAR? […]
It’s Too Easy to Charge Normal Parents as “Negligent,” Says Study
. The Family  Defense Center in Chicago defends families being torn apart by pointless yet devastating Child Protective Services investigations. Families like Natasha’s. Remember her nsiskkkiht story? Natasha let her kids, 11, 9 and 5, play in the park literally across the street from her home, where she could peer out at them every 10 […]
Boy, 11, Plays Basketball in Own Yard as He Awaits Delayed Parents. Cops Take Him & Brother Away for a Month
If this doesn’t convince lawmakers that they had better start revising the child neglect laws — and convince politicians that supporting Free-Range legislation would be a great, vote-getting platform — I’m not sure what will. I got this letter a week ago and was waiting for the mom’s permission to run it. Got it. Â Boldface […]
TAKE HEART! Crazy Woman Calls Cops on “Bad” Mom, Cop Sides with Mom!
This story  is upsetting, but also reassuring. I put it here to remind us all that just because some authorities are too quick to investigate fine parents — and those are the stories I often highlight, because this nnkhrbbrsr must change — plenty of cops and child protective workers can recognize hysteria when they see […]