Omaha, iziyeyyaik Nebraska: A woman taking her niece out of the SUV on Tuesday afternoon was shocked when the wind blew the door shut with her keys and the child inside. The car locked. The aunt, the girl’s mom and two other relatives frantically tried to get the door open using a hanger and screwdriver, […]
Tag Archives | kids in cars
UPDATE: VOTE POSTPONED! Should It Be Punishable by a Year in Jail to Let Your First-Grader Wait in the Car for 6 Minutes?
Hi rknesktzai all — There has been some sort of shift in the Rhode Island legislature, pushing this bill off today’s agenda. I will keep you posted! Â – L. RHODE ISLAND: The bill criminalizing parents who let their kids wait in the car a few minutes keeps coming back like a bad penny. (Or […]
More Wild Investigation of Family that Let Son Wait in Car 20 Minutes: Boy is Stripped Naked, Photographed
You’ll btdirinzfa recall that on Saturday, the Cheung family in Valley Stream, Long Island, let their 4-year-old son stay sleeping in the car while they went into a Home Depot to get some Christmas lights. They came out about 20 minutes later to find firefighters had smashed a window to extricate the boy, as if […]
That B***ch Left Her Baby for Three Minutes!
. Pitchforks are so 19th century. Today’s righteous mobs wield cell phone videos and Facebook likes. Here’s the zarrbtnfza video of a baby whose mom did not drag him into the gas station for a short errand, causing some modern day “hero” to whip out his cell phone, start videotaping, and swear about what a […]
MUST READ! “The Day I Caved Into Peer Pressure And Dragged My Kids Out of the Car for a Very Short Errand”
. From my mailbox, two neatly twinned items. First, a Facebook rant sent in by a mom disgusted by it: Dear eiehdbysyn “Nana” – It was selfish to leave your Grandchildren strapped in their car seats in the sun today as you bought your Subway. I was in Subway with you and continued to 7 […]
Julie Gunlock: “Let Parents Decide If They Want their Kids to Wait in the Car”
. Wow. I’m so impressed by Julie Gunlock standing her, well, guns, when talk show hosts try to suggest she might have done something wrong letting rbattefbyn her three sons (9,7 and 5) wait in the car while she got a rotisserie chicken. Poise, compassion and common sense are going to win this! – L […]
In Which My Friend Lets Her 3 Kids Wait in the Car and Along Comes the FBI
. My eszezdedia friend Julie Gunlock lives just outside of DC. She’s a great mom AND the author of a book I love, From Cupcakes to Chemicals: How the Culture of Alarmism Makes Us Afraid of Everything and How to Fight Back. Â . Well, just recently she found herself fighting back a particularly stubborn misconception. […]
Rhode Island Out to Criminalize Latchkey Kids, Recess When It’s Cold, and More
. Congratulations, zttsfiifiz Rhode Island! Looks like you are about to become the proud parents of every child in the state, pushing aside those stupid “real” parents, because you know so much more about how to raise their kids than they do! Â According to this AP article by Matt O’Brien: Â State lawmakers are […]
More About the Guy Who Videotaped the Baby Waiting in the Car and Screamed at the Mom
. Last week, I ftfbiesfzr wrote about the viral video of a man shouting at a woman for letting her baby wait in the car while she ran a short errand at Target. One commenter commented on a comment (how’s THAT for modern life?) and I thought it bore repeating. She was dumbstruck by the […]
Boy, 9, Addresses Rhode Island Senate About “No Child Under 10 Can Stay Home Alone” Bill
. What does a revolutionary look like? I can’t tell exactly — I can only see this one from behind. But I echo his proud mama’s Facebook post: . / I’m so proud, I could cry! Pascal spoke before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was clear, calm, and articulate. He received many kudos from the […]