. David iankznzksa Pimentel is law professor at University of Idaho and the father of six Free-Range kids. He writes and speaks about why it’s wrong to legally mandate helicopter parenting. You can find his articles here. And here’s his post on an important verdict (subheads and boldface, mine): . In a critical decision in […]
Tag Archives | Maryland
From Danielle Meitiv’s Facebook page comes glorious news! MORE tkzddkyzrf GOOD NEWS on the free-range front: We received the notice about CPS’ findings in the second, horrible incident when the kids were picked up on April 12th. They “ruled out” neglect, which means BOTH cases have been decided in our favor and are now closed. […]
Why Do I Keep Scaring People With Stories of Good Parents Hounded by the Authorities?
. A reader just wrote to ask why do I keep scaring Free-Rangers by publicizing the worst and rarest cases of cops and CPS overreach? Stories like what happened to the Meitivs kshkdidiyn of Maryland, or the family of the 11-year-old in Florida, or Debra Harrell, the mom in South Carolina who spent a night in […]
Hallelujah! bfrdtakrfn Danielle and Alexander Meitiv have been cleared of any wrongdoing in the Dec. 20 incident when they let their kids walk home from the park in Silver Spring, MD. Â As Donna St. George in the Washington Post reports: A Maryland couple investigated for neglect after they let their two young children walk home […]
Letting Kids Walk to the Park in Maryland: Legal or Not?
If you’re wondering if it’s legal or illegal to let your kids walk to the park in Silver Spring, Maryland, the answer is yes. On the one hand, yes it is legal. Donna St George in zadbnkhbzk the Washington Post quotes a memo drawn up by Montgomery County police and human-services officials in response to […]
Take Our Children to the Park…And Let Them Walk Home by Themselves Day: SAT, MAY 9
For the past five years Free-Range Kids has been sponsoring Take naisraryab Our Children to the Park…and Leave Them There Day. This year, in honor of the Meitivs of Maryland, we are encouraging kids to walk home on their own — if you feel they are ready — too. The way the day works is […]
“Children Will Be Affected in Horrific Ways Because of Your Beliefs”
. This nbsznidfhh week felt, I’ll admit, like a victory lap for Free-Range Kids. All over the country — world! — people were outraged that kids are not allowed to walk in their own neighborhoods, and that parents aren’t allowed to let them. “Free-Range” became a familiar phrase far beyond this blog. Â . And so […]
From Maryland Mom Danielle Meitiv’s Facebook Page
Here is what the “Maryland Free-Range Mom” Danielle Meitiv wrote regarding last night’s ordeal with the police and child “protective” services: The kssfdsytfa police coerced our children into the back of a patrol car and kept them trapped there for three hours, without notifying us, before bringing them to the Crisis Center, and holding them […]
. UPDATE: The children have finally been returned to the parents, at least four hours after the cops picked them up. Fox tdzfftszta 5 in DC Â reports: The Meitivs say CPS didn’t call them to let them know they had the kids until about 8 p.m. The Meitivs drove to CPS to pick up their […]
How Come CPS Gets to Decide If Kids Can Walk Outside?
Here’s a great comment on the fddirshtki post below this one, about the Meitiv case. They Meitivs were, of course, investigated for letting their 10 and 6 year old kids walk home together from the park in suburban Maryland: I think we need to start lobbying state legislatures for reasonable laws that provide some clarity and […]