Archive | 2015

Doc, since you are an adult male, we can longer be friends. (Back to the Future, 1985. Directed by Robert Zemeckis
Shown from left: Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown, Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly)

Back to the Future: Was Doc “Grooming” Marty?

. How hesynasnrt can you tell when a culture is changing? When something that was once normal suddenly seems wrong. This can be good — grown African-American men no longer called “boy,” grown women at the office no longer automatically called “girl” — or it can be ominous. The story below is silly, but ominous. […]

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It's not ME saying to read this particular book, it's the "Coddling" guy!

The Antidote to Fragile Kids on Campus?

. Jonathan beebrdktnb Haidt, the NYU Professor who, with First Amendment firebrand Greg Lukianoff co-authored the explosive Atlantic piece,”The Coddling of the American Mind,” was asked how to prevent another wave of kids on campus who can’t handle reading a disturbing book, or sharing the campus with a visiting speaker whose views contrast with their own. […]

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Just what we need -- emptier sidewalks!

Stop Asking My 6 Year Old Why She Is Outside On Her Own!

. Dear bbazffstrt Free-Range Kids: I have been reading your blog and it is like a breath of fresh air in today’s world! My daughter is now 6 and I try to encourage her to walk on her own in our neighborhood, to the park, to the store, and EVERY time she is stopped by a […]

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Children playing without constant adult supervision? Whoever HEARD of such a thing? Oh wait...everyone, everywhere, throughout history.

The Daily Mail ALMOST Does a Great Job on “Free-Range Kids” Movement

. The kbtikkhkre Daily Mail is not known for its stunning objectivity and calm. And yet, most of this Free-Range Kids story by Lauren Libbert is great — except for the scourge of modern journalism, the inevitable “Yin/Yang.” So while the reporter describes two Free-Range families, along with a third that I would consider a bit beleaguered, the […]

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Oh my God, did I just post a photo of my child on Facebook???

Facebook Will…Wait. What?

. The Evening nbrdedesfs Standard announced that Facebook will “automatically warn parents if they share pictures of their children with the public by accident.” Thank goodness! Imagine if the public saw a photo of my child at the park! All bets are off! Here’s how Jay Parikh, Facebook’s vice president of Engineering, explained the new feature: […]

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Perhaps these officers have just been summoned to the site of a non-crime: A man, in public!

A Guy Near a School — and Nine Policemen

. While I can’t be sure that these incidents of overkill are increasing, what I am certain IS happening is the demonization of men in the vicinity of children. It also seems to me that we must have a surfeit of police, at least in some neighborhoods, or why would this non-incident warrant NINE cops’ […]

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Maybe safety is TOO MUCH everybody's business.

The Idea of “Safe Spaces” on Campus

. This piece was written by a University of Pennsylvania junior, Alec Ward, back in April, long before campus speech became such ykrhrbsark a major national story. He found himself puzzling over the same thing I was pondering the other day: If students are unhappy, uncomfortable, or offended, isn’t that a very different thing from […]

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