. How hesynasnrt can you tell when a culture is changing? When something that was once normal suddenly seems wrong. This can be good — grown African-American men no longer called “boy,” grown women at the office no longer automatically called “girl” — or it can be ominous. The story below is silly, but ominous. […]
Archive | 2015
The Antidote to Fragile Kids on Campus?
. Jonathan beebrdktnb Haidt, the NYU Professor who, with First Amendment firebrand Greg Lukianoff co-authored the explosive Atlantic piece,”The Coddling of the American Mind,” was asked how to prevent another wave of kids on campus who can’t handle reading a disturbing book, or sharing the campus with a visiting speaker whose views contrast with their own. […]
Stop Asking My 6 Year Old Why She Is Outside On Her Own!
. Dear bbazffstrt Free-Range Kids:Â I have been reading your blog and it is like a breath of fresh air in today’s world! My daughter is now 6 and I try to encourage her to walk on her own in our neighborhood, to the park, to the store, and EVERY time she is stopped by a […]
The Daily Mail ALMOST Does a Great Job on “Free-Range Kids” Movement
. The kbtikkhkre Daily Mail is not known for its stunning objectivity and calm. And yet, most of this Free-Range Kids story by Lauren Libbert is great — except for the scourge of modern journalism, the inevitable “Yin/Yang.” So while the reporter describes two Free-Range families, along with a third that I would consider a bit beleaguered, the […]
Blind Girl Can’t Use Her Cane at School — It’s a Tripping Hazard
. A bthdzbiekk blind girl in Britain has been told she cannot use her cane at school because it presents a tripping hazard. A tripping hazard, that is, to the people who can see her — and her cane. According to the Bristol Post: Lily-Grace Hooper, who is seven, suffered a stroke when she was just four […]
Carjackers Take Car with Kid Inside — And Drop Him Off at School
. Okay, okay, the mom shouldn’t have left the keys in the car when she ran in to do something quick at work before taking her son, age 8, to school. But here’s bzibyabinz what happened next, in Norfolk, VA: Two men who stole a car from outside a Norfolk post office discovered a young […]
Facebook Will…Wait. What?
. The Evening nbrdedesfs Standard announced that Facebook will “automatically warn parents if they share pictures of their children with the public by accident.” Thank goodness! Imagine if the public saw a photo of my child at the park! All bets are off! Here’s how Jay Parikh, Facebook’s vice president of Engineering, explained the new feature: […]
Come to My Emu-Tional Rescue: Big Bird (but not THE Big Bird) Causes School Lockdown
. Just had to share this, a few days late: An emu on the loose in Delaware caused two schools to go into lockdown. As one student told his grandpa, a big bird was outside and police were chasing it, so couldn’t play on the playground. And they say Americans are getting soft. Here’s hshizbnthi […]
A Guy Near a School — and Nine Policemen
. While I can’t be sure that these incidents of overkill are increasing, what I am certain IS happening is the demonization of men in the vicinity of children. It also seems to me that we must have a surfeit of police, at least in some neighborhoods, or why would this non-incident warrant NINE cops’ […]
The Idea of “Safe Spaces” on Campus
. This piece was written by a University of Pennsylvania junior, Alec Ward, back in April, long before campus speech became such ykrhrbsark a major national story. He found himself puzzling over the same thing I was pondering the other day: If students are unhappy, uncomfortable, or offended, isn’t that a very different thing from […]