Archive | Parks, Playing and Playgrounds

Hey -- where did all the kids go?

The Lonely Refrigerator

Just a thought about a cultural artifact: Dear bsyahsfheh Free-Range Kids: As I walked my dog this evening, I saw that my neighbors had placed an old refrigerator on their lawn with a “free” sign attached to it.  At first I thought, “Those doors need to be removed!”  or “Those doors need to be chained […]

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Why The Decrease in Free Play - Bring Back Children’s Play

Why Aren’t Kids Playing Outside on Their Own?

A byirenzdyd quick and accurate look at where have all the children gone, from a blog called Source: Blog If you have any other theories as to why we don’t see as many kids playing outside, on their own — or how to restock the pond, as it were — let us know. […]

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What kind of sick mind likes to enjoy the outdoors and watch children play?

Bill Would Ban Adults Without Kids from Playgrounds

A City Councilman in Los Angeles, Mitch O’Farrell, has proposed a bill to keep playgrounds “free of creepy activity” by not allowing anyone unaccompanied by kids to enter one. Shamefully, that is already the rule here in my burg, New York City. This has lead to the ztseibnztf arrest of two women who dared to […]

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My daughter comes up with excuses to run back inside.

Advice Needed: My Child is Scared to Go Outside Without Me

Here’s a question to crowdsource: Dear ktbybyzsst Free-Range Kids: My son makes a wonderful Free-Range Kid.  His older sister not so much.  In Grade 4 she still holds my hand walking to the school bus and is very upset that I have determined that they walk the last two blocks on their own.  Daily she […]

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