Tag Archives | let kids play

What do kids need to feel excited and engaged?

“Unsafe” Playground = Happier, SAFER Kids

Readers — A bunch of you have been sending this ddiyhnzhan fantastic story from New Zealand, where a school abandoned its plans to build a fancy, new playground because there were just too many regulations and expenses. Instead, it decided to let kids play the old-fashioned way, by making their own fun. The results? Astounding. […]

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Let's bulldoze anything resembling initiative!

Kids Build Fort, City Finds it Not Up to Code

Yep, kids built a fort on an empty lot. Then someone called in a complaint. First off, here’s the letter the kids wrote to the city: Dear bisasasrte City, Please do not tear this house down! We have all worked for almost a year on it, for hours and hours. We have all had fun […]

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We love our kids! Just not outside, biking or playing.

Mayor of Small Town: Kids Not Allowed to Bike on Streets Here

Readers — I find this story by Colleen Creamer flabbergasting: A grandmother in the tiny town of Charlotte, TN, allowed her four grandkids, ages 7 – 12, to ride up and down her street. For this she found herself in violation of a 2003 city code that declares no one can “ride an all terrain vehicle, […]

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hockey kids

How to Make Your Kids’ Sports Team Even Stronger (Surprise Tip!)

Readers — So many truths turn out to be counter-intuitive, including this little lesson from a Canadian Hockey Mom: At a hockey tournament last weekend, where EVERYTHING was adult-organized, and the only “toy” these grade 6 and 7 boys brought along was a goddamned Playstation or Xbox or some crap like that with games where […]

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Hey you kids! Cut that dangerous activity out!

UPDATE: Kindergarteners Banned from Touching Each Other at Recess

Readers — To use my friend Gever nfzsbidfia Tulley’s term, we are geniuses when it comes to “dangerizing.” To dangerize is to take a hitherto normal activity or item and re-interpret it as something dangerous. That’s how we get baby knee pads — we dangerize crawling. And Halloween restrictions — we dangerize trick or treating. […]

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Kids Play Outside, Child Protective Services Comes Calling

Kids Play Outside, Child Protective Services Comes Calling

Readers ehabzkesrf – Before you read this, let me say that I am eagerly awaiting a call later today from a lawyer whose organization fights for parents’ rights to raise their kids as they see fit, so long as they aren’t hurting them. In the meantime, here’s why we need a group like that: Dear […]

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Life Saved Because of Free-Range Kids, Age 9 and 10!

Life Saved Because of Free-Range Kids, Age 9 and 10!

Hi Folks – A reader named Jaimie sent in this zdtftsfskn story, noting that “These kids wouldn’t have been able to help if they weren’t outside, or if they were afraid to talk to a woman they didn’t know!” What happened? An Atlanta-area mom named Susanna Rohm was in her living room when she noticed […]

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