Tag Archives | neighborhood

You're never alone, with a phone.

It Used to be Lonely for Kids INSIDE. Now It’s the Reverse

. This post comes from Mollie Shaw, a friend, frequent commenter, and Free-Ranger who is a writer and marketing consultant in British Columbia. Maybe it will resonate for you the way it did for me: Dear idhenrhyeh Free-Range Kids: I can remember feeling lonely as a young child in the 1970s.  I have vivid recollections of […]

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Why does the fakeness of this ad rankle me so?

This “Sweet” Hershey’s Commercial is Making My Skin Crawl

. Please watch this 2-minute reverie on parenting, tweens and how many Hershey’s products two people can consume in one sitting, and then give me your reaction (because mine was visceral): . The iydirrsebn spot shows a girl preternaturally sad because even though her (pathetic, doofus) dad is at home with her, he is tied […]

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The Case of the Missing Childhood Adventures. SOLVED!

Encyclopedia Brown Lives! Kids, 7 and 10, Set Up Detective Agency

. How can you not love this ddbyhndyhb story? Siblings Jack and Phoebe Gore, 10 and 7 respectively, hung out the proverbial shingle and started a detective agency in the northern Manhattan neighborhood of Inwood. They charge $6 a case and, according to DNAInfo’s Carolina Pichardo: With only a few weeks in business — and using nothing […]

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Take the Free-Range Challenge of the Weekend

Folks — I just got a letter from a reader wondering what Free-Range thing she can do that won’t get her shunned by the other parents or cited by some uptight cop. My answer: Do something YOU loved doing as a child that you wish you could let your child do, too. Let your child […]

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Bi-Cultural Kids

Hi afayzanhib Readers — This essay made sense to me! It’s from Jona Jone (great name!) who was raised in Philly and is now living in the Philippines. – L  Why Two Cultures is better than One When Raising Your Kids to Become Independent Giving your children the “best of both worlds” can really help […]

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boys and bricks

FILL IN THE BLANK: You Know You’re a Free-Range Parent When…

Readers: A note I got yesterday: we raiabdzndt have so called free rangers in our neighborhood. rude, inconsiderate, etc.-their parents do not have a clue where they are or how they act. neither do they care. maybe they got their lazy parenting ideas from your lovely book. hopefully none of your kids will wind up […]

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