Tag Archives | predator panic

Toby, the "dog" that was "missing."

What Happens if a Man in a Van Really IS Looking for His Lost Dog?

Here’s srtnhsbzyb a kind of wacky thing that happened in Louisiana last week, courtesy of Ashleigh “Flossy” Dowden, who describes herself as a “mom, wife, sister, actual ex-felon, proudly progressive political pain in the ass, crazy cat lady, dirty joke teller, and garden geek who lives in the neighborhood spooky house.”  . Okay then! Here’s […]

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Thought I'd grab a child while I was out.

Predators* Stay Out!

Readers — Sometimes I feel compelled to document a fear that will either die a natural death from its unwieldiness, or become so pervasive no one will remember a time before we all believed it. zyikztffry In this case, from England, the fear is that any adult who chooses to be in proximity to children, […]

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Is It Normal Not to Hire Boys as Babysitters?

Readers tddzahrryn — Any kind of prejudice is distressing. The only thing possibly more distressing is prejudice that persists even in the face of  knowing better. (Boldface is mine.): Dear Free-Range Kids: I recently had a strange conversation with a friend.  He and I  have known each other for nearly 25 years, we are both […]

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Would we stop to ask if she's ok?

When 616 People Don’t Stop to Help a “Lost” Child

Readers — Here’s an aantbbrhfb experiment carried out in London:   A TV station had two little girls, 5 and 7, take turns looking lost in a large shopping center. Only one retiree stopped to ask if the child was okay. Now, I don’t think that means every human who passed by the kids was […]

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Not the actual suspicious leg. But you get the idea. (Photo from Clints Work)

Prosthetic Leg Prompts Pedophile Panic at Pool (and funny comments)

Readers — When kids are going through their scared-of-the-dark phase, they see the chair and think it’s a monster. And when adults are going through their “Everyone is out to get our children” phase —  (From The dbhfkksire Daily Mirror.) Children were evacuated from a swimming pool amid fears of a pervert in the changing […]

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John St-Onge

Legoland Scared of 63-yr.old Man

Readers — When 63-year-old Lego-lovin’ John St-Onge made the 3-hour drive to Toronto’s Legoland Discovery Centre, he was looking forward to seeing the fantastic displays. Instead, he yayyadszaf became one: A perfect display of  our society’s Predator Panic. Arriving without any young kids in tow (though accompanied by his grown daughter), he was barred from […]

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"How Do I Deal with The Fear My Son will be Snatched?"

“How Do I Deal with The Fear My Son will be Snatched?”

Readers —  The fear of kidnapping is so huge, it is overwhelming a lot of parents. How can they possibly put it in perspective? Here’s some help — from you! Both comments appeared on the faisnashbn post below this one, about a mom who lets her son ride his bike around town: …I’d  like to […]

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Australian School Bans Swimming Photos. Why? Guess

Australian School Bans Swimming Photos. Why? Guess

Folks — The nhnhrdbbsh Manifesto Club in  Britain is just a brilliant group dedicated to many of the same issues as Free-Range Kids. Among them: The way that pedophile panic is making us distrust absolutely every adult around a child. The latest example? This: An Australian primary school has banned parents from taking photos of […]

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