Katherine Mangu-Ward, editor of Reason nthtdfbare Magazine (where I am a contributor) interviewed the Fox Business Network host Kennedy. I’ve been on Kennedy’s show, she is fantastic and funny and Free-Range, but I never knew this had happened to her: REASON: What keeps you awake at night? Obviously you have a chance to talk […]
Tag Archives | child abuse
CPS Plans Third Visit to Family for Not Cleaning Up Enough
. Here dbeeyzzyzr is a cry for help — this dad’s and my own. I’m looking for someone to write a post or booklet on “How to Fight CPS” that is not a snarling screed (however cathartic), but filled with relevant laws, websites, and even phone numbers/emails that people can contact for legal help. Let […]
Parents Investigated for Child Abuse Six Times, Thanks to Fake Calls from Crafty Neighbor
. “They threw their child against the wall!†That’s what the anonymous caller told Kentucky’s Child Protective Services about Corey Chaney, 25, and April Rogers, 23, the sixth time she called. How horrifying! But not the way you think. While the parents had been reported five times in about as many months for crimes that included […]
When the Desperate Parents of Very Sick Kids are Accused of “Medical Child Abuse”
. If you have a child who is very sick, Â you will move heaven and earth to get that kid care. Unfortunately, there’s a possibility that this assiduousness will trigger suspicions of abuse. In a horrifying dhynzrsryn yet supremely well documented oped in today’s New York Times, the mom of a girl who suffered from […]
A Bone Fracture Leads CPS to Remove Two Girls from Their Home
. Here’s another horrifying case from the Family hbtznfzias Defense Center in Chicago. A baby’s fractured leg convinced the Department of Child and Family Services that she has been abused, despite the fact that fractures like hers are common in kids, and there was absolutely no other evidence against the parents. The state fought tooth […]
Thanks, New Jersey, For The Child Protection Laws That Are Driving Me CRAZY
For brhhnbdres every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And for every over-the-top, worst-first, “If it saves one child…” law passed, there are about a million children imperiled and families discombobulated. Or so it seems from my perch. Read this note from a reader. She wrote in response to Monday’s post about the […]
Supreme Court of Georgia Holds That Not Every Child Tragedy is a Crime
. This eytasrkfhs story is sickeningly sad, but the original verdict made it intensely worse. A reader writes: Marta Corvi was grateful when the Juarez family in Dallas, Georgia, told her she could live with them until she found a job. All she had to do in exchange was cook, clean, and watch their 5 […]
Dad Accused of “Child Abuse” After Toddler Sneaks Outside
Lives idttikstdf there a parent who hasn’t, at some point, lost track of his or her kid? That’s just the way life is — imperfect! Until the authorities deem it a crime. In this case, CPS gets it TOTALLY RIGHT…but not the prosecutor. So don’t read this letter if you were hoping to have a good […]
“Don’t Touch My Nuts!” Yells Kid When Actor in Children’s Play Asks, “What’s Your Name?”
Readers asfhisssny – I hope that this is the story of just one over-coached kid. But…maybe not. This is a piece from SpikedOnline by the inimitable Josie Appleton who runs the Manifesto Club in Britain, which is like Free-Range Kids mixed with Reason.com. A “panto” is the age-old, slapstick, audience-participatory Christmas pantomime show (not silent!) that […]
Lena Dunham, Sex Offenders and Thyroid Cancer
Lena, sex and cancer — clickbait? No. A real, Free-Range point: This week, two writers I love — Frank Furedi, the author of Paranoid rifhseykzz Parenting (the 2002 book that decried helicopter parenting before anyone else) and Josh Gravens, a Soros Fellow dedicated to reforming the sex offender laws — both wrote about the Lena Dunham […]