An exchange between an 18-year-old and her mom has gone viral, reports brtzdzedtr the website Shareably: Kaelyn is 18, has graduated high school, and is going to be leaving for college shortly. Before she leaves, she decided to have a movie night with long-time friend Stevie. Kaelyn’s mom is what you might call “protective†and […]
Tag Archives | overprotection
Anna Akana’s Edgy Sketch about Mama Bear Overprotectiveness: “You Wouldn’t Understand”
Anna rsntdbbasy Akana kills it (and others) in this edgy little sketch about the way we sanctify over-protectiveness. Anna, we DO understand! We really do! . . .
A Boy So Overprotected, Court Rules Him Too Pampered for Regular School
A 7-year-old boy in Switzerland was ostensibly  so “pampered” by his “overprotective” parents that he now is being sent to a school that sounds like it is for kids with special needs. I am a little skeptical of this nrrerfyntb story line, for a couple of reasons, the first being that I did an entire […]
Grandparents Gone Wild (With Worry)
Readers — sbrksfhtha This is a piece from pleading with grandparents to listen to reason, hope, joy and the real numbers when it comes to the people they love most: Their grandkids. Some excerpts: “Anything could have happened. There are predators out there. A school parking lot is the perfect place to pick up […]
My 10-y.o. Wants to Walk to School, But…
Dear btknenftir Free-Range Kids: I am a professional woman who became a stay at home mother to a 10-year-old boy. I would describe him as very bright, highly energetic and reasonable. Here is my dilemma: We live in a city of about 50,000 in North NJ. He has recently made it very clear that he wants […]
The Atlantic Goes Free-Range!
Here’s stydzkrrie the article everyone’s talking about, folks: “The Overprotected Kid,” by Hanna Rosin in The Atlantic. She chronicles all the things we talk about: The lack of free time kids have, the excess supervision, the need for adventure — the whole shebang, including interviews with many of the folks you’ve read about here: Peter […]
Whose Idea Was it That Children are Fragile and Stupid?
Readers — Over and over I keep realizing how grateful kids are when we lean OUT of their lives a little and let them show us how competent they really are. I love this letter! – L. Dear Free-Range Kids: I stumbled on your site when a backpacking guide friend asked me what approach she […]
“You Don’t Deserve to Have Kids!” — A Parking Lot Encounter
Dear Readers — When you live in a society spasming with fear, it is hard not to flinch. That’s why we are here on this blog together. To support each other when the world mistakes our confidence and rationality for neglect and abuse. – L. Dear Free-Range Kids: I just finished reading Free Range Kids, […]
Swiss Mom Can’t Understand Helicopter Parents — and Schools
Readers — One of the things I try to explain in my talks, bfbkektfai book and blog is that some present-day parenting practices (and laws) that just seem “wise†now will be considered downright detrimental in the future, or are considered weird NOW in other places. For instance: Dear Free-Range Kids: I can’t thank you enough! […]
Prosthetic Leg Prompts Pedophile Panic at Pool (and funny comments)
Readers — When kids are going through their scared-of-the-dark phase, they see the chair and think it’s a monster. And when adults are going through their “Everyone is out to get our children” phase — Â (From The dbhfkksire Daily Mirror.) Children were evacuated from a swimming pool amid fears of a pervert in the changing […]