What a week. By believing that predators with puppies are grabbing kids in broad daylight, right and left, and by…
Browsing: worst-first
Let me know what you think of this 4-minute piece that just aired on NPR’s Morning Edition about that newfangled…
Nightline sums up the whole Free-Range Kids idea pretty darn nicely, I’d say, as do the Meitivs. Let me know…
Readers — Here are two letters I just got, with but a single lesson: You are not allowed to trust…
Readers — This tfszkthtan is a story that happened in 2012 in Canada: Ryan Gibbons, a 12 year old with…
Readers inssakbanh — Welcome to Worst First Thinking: This Time It’s Law. Writes the Denver Post (boldface mine): The owner…
Readers — Here’s a long blog kzenzrndkr post by a mom whose husband left Walmart with their daughter while she…
Readers hhrdnetabz — This just in. Literally, this is the whole story, by reporter Carol Robinson. Bigger point? See post…
Readers — A Michigan mom is upset not just that her 8-year-old daughter hopped a public bus without telling her,…
Behold Hank Green (bro of John “The Fault In Our Stars” Green) summing up pretty much everything about why, despite…